SECS Meeting This Wednesday at 6:30 pm!

Next SECS Meeting This Wednesday at 6:30! 🌱

Hopefully everyone had a restful Labor Day weekend!

Thanks to everyone who came out to our social last Thursday! It was a night to remember, filled with Evil Uno, Trey’s awesome dance moves, and free popsicles from the Illini Mentor Program for those who stuck around long enough.

There are many fun and fresh happenings soon, so keep reading to find out more about all the SECSy things going down on and off campus!

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, September 6th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Channing Murray Foundation (1209 W. Oregon Street).

An overarching goal for this week’s meeting will be to make signs for our climate strike. Please bring any suitable pieces of cardboard if you can find any –maybe from boxes you’ve been avoiding getting rid of!

Feel free to branch out this week if you’d like to try something new — signmaking will be a focus for several groups and can help you talk to some lovely new people!

Action and Media will be making signs for the climate strike, and anyone is welcome to come help!

Education will be updating last year’s environmental trivia board and will potentially plan a letter writing event for the Urbana Park District.

Walkable Cities will finalize booth ideas and join the signmaking efforts with any leftover time!

Solidarity Gardens will continue work on building new garden beds.

In the Discord you can find a super-helpful camping interest form to help us know how many people wanna go camping from September 22nd to 23rd.

Prepare your witty sign-fitting statements today! Show up on Wednesday! Go green or go HOME!


SECS bake sale!

We will be having a bake sale fundraiser this Friday, September 8th, on the quad from 1-4 p.m. If you’d like to bring anything to bake, here is a signup sheet outlining what some other people will be baking. Make sure to drop any goods off at Channing Murray before 12:30 p.m. day-of!

Climate Strike!

Our Fall Climate Strike grows ever closer! This electric event will start at 12:30 pm on Friday, September 15th. The Climate Strikes are protests of the University of Illinois’ failure to divest from fossil fuels. You can find out more about the strike and RSVP here!.

Check out this Daily Illini article from last spring’s Climate Strike below.

Sign the Fossil Free Illinois Open Letter!

In Fiscal Year 2022, the University of Illinois System reported over $120 million invested in 52 fossil fuel companies. This is in contrast to a fossil free future that seeks to mitigate climate change and ensure a healthy planet for all. Go here to learn more about and sign a letter that calls on the University of Illinois System to divest these funds.

Contact Us!
President — Danika Ford (she/her)
[email protected]
Vice Presidents — Alex Chavez (he/him) & Rudy LaFave (he/him)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Treasurer — Averhy Sanborn (she/her)
[email protected]
Secretary — Julia San Miguel (she/her)
[email protected]
Action Coordinator — Trey McCallister (he/him)
[email protected]
Education Officer — Claire Sullivan (she/her)
[email protected]
Media Officer — Sophia Beem (she/her)
[email protected]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer — Fatima Naveed (she/her)
[email protected]
Community Chair — Joya Weissman (she/her)
[email protected]
Land Management Chair — Liam Henry (he/him)
[email protected]
Outreach Coordinator — Izzy Wilder (she/her)
[email protected]