NO SECS meeting this week!


Happy Halloween Eve!

Due to the barn dance Wednesday night, we are not meeting this Wednesday. Our next meeting won’t be until November 8th.

In the meantime, sign up to volunteer for the pumpkin composting event this Saturday! We could really use a few more people who have cars to more easily transport pumpkins. More information below!

After our brief sabbatical, tell your friends about our letter writing event on November 8th! We’re drumming up support for the University of Illinois System fossil free addendum – be there!

Show up on Wednesday! Go green or go HOME!


Sign up to help with pumpkin composting!

Next Saturday, November 4th from 10 am - 2 pm, SECS will be collecting pumpkins for the city-wide Pumpkin Smash Event at the Landscape Recycling Center, which is happening from 11 am - 3 pm. We need volunteers, especially those with a car who can drive pumpkins where they need to go! For more information about the event and to volunteer, sign up here.

Newest Green Observer issue published!

Our wonderful members have been hard at work contributing to the Green Observer, our university’s only student-run environmental publication. For thought-provoking articles, art, poetry, and photography, read it here.

Visit TORIIS and take action! is an organization that makes transparent the University of Illinois Systems inves tments and visualizes this data through an environmental lens. Throughout TORIIS, you can explore in depth the University of Illinois Systems’ investments, understand the scope and impact of its investments in the fossil fuel industry, and take action by signing the open letter requesting fossil fuel divestment from the University of Illinois.

Join Prairie Rivers Network as they launch Clean Water Forever on November 2nd at 7pm!
Prairie Rivers Network is proud to officially launch their statewide Clean Water Forever campaign, and all are welcome to come and see Chris Jones, a leading voice on the water crisis in the Midwest, speak about the front lines of the water crisis. This event is free, is at the Orpheum in downtown Champaign, and simply requires registration! The address will be followed by an audience Q&A.

The Solidarity Six have filed legal complaints in their respective states

Six universities filed a complaint with their attorneys general claiming that their universities were violating commitments to public interest by continuing to invest in fossil fuels. Read more about their admirable legal action here!

Listen to the first episode of the new SECS talk!
The first episode of the SECS talk has released! SECS superstars Alex Chavez and Trey McCallister are a dynamic duo talking about our wonderful organization and divestment. Listen here.

Environmental Leadership Program Open Now!
Applications are now open for iSEE’s Environmental Leadership Program! This awesome program gives environmentalists like yourself a chance to lobby at the state level for important environmental issues. Program space is limited, so apply by midnight tonight! For any questions, email Andres Vazquez at [email protected].

Earth Care Seminar Series!

The next three upcoming Sundays (October 22nd, October 29th, and November 5th) will feature seminars surrounding the impact of climate change on Central Illinois specifically. These events are all held after Sunday service at the First Presbyterian Church of Urbana. Please note that these seminars have no religious affiliation, and are open to all comfortable with attending.

Interested in a Sierra Club calendar? Order today!
Support the Sierra Club by buying an idyllic calendar for a good cause. Reach out to [email protected] for more information or to place an order.

Sign the petition to save Weaver Park!

Weaver Park is a natural landscape in east Urbana that is currently at risk of being converted into soccer and baseball fields. To protect this park with inherent value, sign this petition.

Illini Lights Out is Back!

Join the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment this fall semester in conserving energy! The Institute looks for students to help turn off lights in campus buildings on Friday night to help save energy over the weekend. Go here for more information and to sign up!

For this week’s special link, support local journalism! Check out this Daily Illini article written by our very own star general member, Hunter Farnham. Come again!

Contact Us!
President — Danika Ford (she/her)
[email protected]
Vice Presidents — Alex Chavez (he/him) & Rudy LaFave (he/him)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Treasurer — Averhy Sanborn (she/her)
[email protected]
Secretary — Julia San Miguel (she/her)
[email protected]
Action Coordinator — Trey McCallister (he/him)
[email protected]
Education Officer — Claire Sullivan (she/her)
[email protected]
Media Officer — Sophia Beem (she/her)
[email protected]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer — Fatima Naveed (she/her)
[email protected]
Community Chair — Joya Weissman (she/her)
[email protected]
Land Management Chair — Liam Henry (he/him)
[email protected]
Outreach Coordinator — Izzy Wilder (she/her)
[email protected]