Next SECS Meeting this Wednesday at 6:30!

Next SECS Meeting This Wednesday at 6:30! 🌱

Happy Monday!

Our esteemed working groups continue to fight the good fight this week. As always, bring a computer!

Action will be finalizing the slides for the Fossil Free Illinois Coalition building call

Media will

Education will

UIS Fossil Free Addendum will

Solidarity Gardens will

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 7th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Channing Murray Foundation (1209 W. Oregon Street).


We have many events coming up soon and are in need of assistance!

This Valentine’s Day, Cupid’s arrow is headed straight for the SECS bake sale. Sign up to bring treats and/or sell our delicious wares on Wednesday, February 14th from 12-4pm here! We will be selling roses along with baked goods and are looking to sustainably house the flowers. Start saving any and all small glass bottles today!

The second annual SECS prom is happening Friday February 9th from 8-10pm at Channing Murray! For an enchanting evening themed through the decades, where attire from years long gone is welcomed and encouraged, RSVP here. All are welcome!

Show up on Wednesday! Go green or go HOME!


Fill Out a Survey to Support a Sustainability Ged Ed!

Want to support sustainability education on campus? Illinois Student Council is collaborating with iSEE to push for the creation of a sustainability general education subcategory. This would not add any additional required courses, but would support professors who include sustainability curriculum in their courses. To show the administration that students want this we created a brief survey and are hoping to get as many responses as possible. Respond here!

Contact Hunter Farnham at [email protected] with any questions.

Register to attend the One Winter Night Challenge

The One Winter Night Challenge provides a powerful opportunity for Illini to learn about homelessness, build empathy for the people served by CU at Home, and raise funds to support the mission of CU at Home.

Participants experience the difficulties faced by homeless individuals on cold winter nights, while raising awareness by spending the night outside in tents or makeshift shelters on the Quad. Register here.

In Case You Missed the Civics for Environmentalists Meeting, Watch it Here!
The recording for this wonderful Illinois Environmental Council presentation can be found here, and the slides can be found here. It’s good information, folks!

Visit TORIIS and take action! is an organization that makes transparent the University of Illinois Systems inves tments and visualizes this data through an environmental lens. Throughout TORIIS, you can explore in depth the University of Illinois Systems’ investments, understand the scope and impact of its investments in the fossil fuel industry, and take action by signing the open letter requesting fossil fuel divestment from the University of Illinois.

Listen to the SECS talk!
Listen here to our sustainability-focused podcast, the SECS talk! The most recent episode’s guest is Lina Avalos, a student at UIUC and an environmental justice advocate from the Southeast side of Chicago.

Sign the petition to save Weaver Park!

Weaver Park is a natural landscape in east Urbana that is currently at risk of being converted into soccer and baseball fields. To protect this park with inherent value, sign this petition.

If you’ve read this far, give some consideration to clicking right here for this week’s secret link inspired by this season’s NFC champions. Come again!

Contact Us!
President — Danika Ford (she/her)
[email protected]
Vice President — Rudy LaFave (he/him)
[email protected]
Treasurer — Averhy Sanborn (she/her)
[email protected]
Secretary — Julia San Miguel (she/her)
[email protected]
Action Coordinator — Trey McCallister (he/him)
[email protected]
Education Officer — Claire Sullivan (she/her)
[email protected]
Media Officer — Sophia Beem (she/her)
[email protected]
Community Chair — Joya Weissman (she/her)
[email protected]
Land Management Chair — Liam Henry (he/him)
[email protected]
Outreach Coordinator — Izzy Wilder (she/her)
[email protected]
