Next SECS Meeting this Wednesday at 6:30!🌱

Next SECS Meeting This Wednesday at 6:30! 🌱

Happy Monday! Thank you to everyone who exercised their Mother Earth-given right to participate in democracy last week by voting in your 2024-2025 board. Here are the results:

President: Rudolph LaFave
Vice President: Claire Sullivan
Treasurer: Averhy Sanborn
Secretary: Julia San Miguel
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator: Fatima Naveed
Action Co-Coordinators: Trey McCallister & Gabi DalSanto
Education Coordinator: Julia Spainhour
Media Coordinator: Sophia Beem
Land Stewardship Coordinator: Liam Henry
Outreach Coordinator: Izzy Wilder
Community Chair: Joya Weissman

The Climate March is almost upon us! Tell your friends! One week from today, Monday, April 22nd from 12:30-2pm, beginning at Alma Mater. If you’ve never been to a Climate March before, now is your chance!

Show up this week to be a part of any one of our wonderful working groups:

Action will continue planning for our fast-approaching Climate March.

Fossil Free Addendum will mobilize to put into place a plan over the summer to move legislative divestment forward.

Media will be chalking the quad for the upcoming Climate March. Final submissions for the Green Observer are due this Wednesday (email [email protected] to submit).

Solidarity Gardens will be doing a lot of work outside while the weather is good!

Circular Fashion Expo will be finishing the final outline for the speech.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 17th at 6:30 p.m. at the Channing Murray Foundation (1209 W. Oregon Street).

Stick around after the meeting to participate in an ecobricking workshop!

Take a quick look at all the exciting events happening in the month of April:


Help out with the spring bake sale!

We will be having a spring bake sale on Wednesday, April 17th on the Quad from 12-4. If you’d like to work the booth or make some treats (or both), sign up here.

Know someone who wants to speak at the Climate March?

If you or someone you know would like to be considered to be a speaker at the Climate March (12:30-2 p.m., April 22nd), fill out this form.

Going camping with us this weekend?

Be on the lookout for a special channel in the Discord with a signup sheet for equipment!

Show up on Wednesday! Go green or go HOME!


Come to the GSRC event tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Tuesday April 16th from 6-7pm at SDRP 2025C, come and join the Gender and Sexuality R

esource Center in collaboration with OUT@Illinois for a discussion led by Dr. Yolanda Williams-Goliday.

See the full schedule of GSRC events this week here.

Occupy Alma for Palestine, led by Amnesty

Join Amnesty this Friday, April 19th starting at 11 am for a day of speakers, resource sharing, community building, and taking up space to support Palestine!

Come to the Food Autonomy Festival!

From 9am-4pm on Friday, April 20th, come out to the Food Autonomy Festival at the intersection of Lincoln and Windsor. Food autonomy is a way of reconsidering what we value, caring for the earth and for other people above profit or efficiency. Go here for more information, including more specifics on the location.

Hash Wednesday April 17th at (high) noon!

Act Now for Palestine Wednesday, April 24th

Participate in a demonstration supporti

ng Palestine Wednesday, April 24th starting at 12pm at Alma Mater.

Be Part of a Biking Focus Group

Like to bike? Ethan Garcia is a grad student in urban planning currently seeking students with varying levels of bike use on campus to participate in a research focus group. His research will be used to influence the 2024 UIUC Campus Master Bike Plan, so this is your chance to make your voice heard! Fill out this survey to get started.

Volunteer with Kingfisher Kayaking

Kingfisher Kayaking is a small nonprofit looking for volunteers to lead or assist with river trips. Group leaders would work with small groups of 5-10 kayakers to help them navigate trips and load and unload boats. Email [email protected] to apply.

Help Birds Stop Dying!

The UIUC Bird Strike Group seeks to reduce the number of bird deaths caused by window collisions. If you’d like to volunteer for this noble cause, scan the QR code for more info!

Protect Illinois Wetlands Under Threat!

The U.S. Supreme Court just gutted the Clean Water Act, eliminating the protection of many wetlands we rely on for flood control and habitat along major rivers. Now, Illinois wetlands are left vulnerable to developer bulldozers because our state lacks a comprehensive program to protect them. Go here to take action!

Visit TORIIS and take action! is an organization that makes transparent the University of Illinois Systems investments and visualizes this data through an environmental lens. Throughout TORIIS, you can explore in depth the University of Illinois Systems’ investments, understand the scope and impact of its investments in the fossil fuel industry, and take action by signing the open letter requesting fossil fuel divestment from the University of Illinois.

Listen to the SECS talk
Listen here to our sustainability-focused podcast, the SECS talk! The most recent episode’s guest is Lina Avalos, a student at UIUC and an environmental justice advocate from the Southeast side of Chicago.

Sign the petition to save Weaver Park

Weaver Park is a natural landscape in east Urbana that is currently at risk of being converted into soccer and baseball fields. To protect this park with inherent value, sign this petition.

If you’ve read this far, go here for this week’s secret link. Come again!

Contact Us!
President — Danika Ford (she/her)
[email protected]
Vice President — Rudy LaFave (he/him)
[email protected]
Treasurer — Averhy Sanborn (she/her)
[email protected]
Secretary — Julia San Miguel (she/her)
[email protected]
Action Coordinator — Trey McCallister (he/him)
[email protected]
Education Officer — Claire Sullivan (she/her)
[email protected]
Media Officer — Sophia Beem (she/her)
[email protected]
Community Chair — Joya Weissman (she/her)
[email protected]
Land Management Chair — Liam Henry (he/him)
[email protected]
Outreach Coordinator — Izzy Wilder (she/her)
[email protected]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer — Gabi DalSanto (she/they)
[email protected]